This scenario is face by many of the DBA in production and Development servers.
Following things has to be performed on the server.
1. Max size has to be set for the Log File.
2. Take a Transaction Log Backup.
3. Add one / more Transaction Log file from same drive to another drive
4. Shrink the log files.
5. Request the windows team to add more space.
6. Move LDF's from one drive to another drive.
7. Change the Recovery Model to Simple.
8. Find the Transactions and after approval kill them.
9. Truncate ( But don't almost never use).
TEMPDB is Full:
1. Add one / move log file form same drive / another.
2. Shrink.
3. Request the windows team to add the space.
4. Backup the Log.
Backup LOG Tempdb to disk = 'C:\Tempdb.bak' with Truncate_only;
5. Restart the Instance.