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Mirroring Configuration

Mirroring Configuration: For the Mirroring Configuration we need three servers. The below are the three Servers used in configurations. SRIHAAN-PC -- Primary Server SRIHAAN-PC\DELL –Secondary Server SRIHAAN-PC\WITNESS --Witness Server Mirroring Concept: Database mirroring was introduced with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 technology that can be used to design high-availability and high-performance solutions for database redundancy. It is designed to maintain a hot standby server with a transitionally consistent copy of the database. Mirroring is cost-effective, speedy, requires no special hardware, and ensures transactional consistency. In the Primary Server we have the database called Simplex and we would be creating the mirror of the database on the Secondary server. First we have to take the Full Backup of the database on the Primary server. BACKUP DATABASE Simplex TO DISK=’E:\BACKUP\Simplex.BAK’ GO The Full Backup taken on the Primar